Learning English

Sincerely, when I knew that I had to do English for obligation I thought “oh, no”, but it was because the schedule it’s something exhausting, with the class ending at 20:00 pm.; not for learning English that actually it’s something I like. Doing English on ICEI was much better than I expected. The past semester I had to do English III and now this, and the dinamic it’s very similar because we have to write blogs about differents themes. In respect with that –writing blogs- I think it’s an interesting way to learn how to write in English, learn things about grammar and vocabulary, and in my opinion it’s more relaxing than having the regular activities or tests to evaluate the evolution of our writing.

In respect with knowledge I recognise that one of the things that I need to improve more than others is the write aspect, because the grammar it’s the most difficult part to me. I think that the easier thing to me is to understand English when I hear it. And in the middle of those two things, the talking aspect.

Currently I don’t use English in my life, the works that I have to do for the university are in Spanish and the books that I have to read are in Spanish too, I think that in the four years that I have been at the university I had to read just two texts in English and that’s all. The idiom it’s present in my life just when I watch movies or hear music but that's everything. Maybe I will have to use the language in the future but that’s something that no one knows.


  1. yeaah! the post are more efficient than the typical test or listening haha


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