Changes to my faculty and study programme

¿Changes to my study programme or faculty facilities? Yes, please. If I have to write about the changes to things related to my career and faculty, there are some that comes to my mind. I think I’m going to start with something general that affects to all the people of the Faculty of Arts Las Encinas, the infrastructure. In that area it had many problems that all the years we try to make visible, like clasrooms that are flooded with the rain, ceillings that don’t resist a rainny day, classrooms with bad ventilation that affect the work with some materials, etc; things that affect the correct work of teachers, workers and students.

Now in respect with the study programme I would like to add some matters about Latin American contemporany art, because there is a matter about Latin American art but related with the prehispanic period. Also I would like to reintegrate the conservation matter, because it’s necesary to us or it’s interesting to many of the people of the career to learn about that, but a few years ago the matter was retired of our study programme and now it’s just for people of the Plastic Arts career. I think that would be the principal changes to the study programme, because the last year a new programme began to be implemented and has good things.

Thinking about the methods of teaching, I think that could be similar between the theachers we have, because they’re just expositive class and we have some seminaries with the objective that the students participate more, but that never work, so I think that we need some changes with that, but I don’t now well what changes could be.

I really hope that some day the differents things could change, because there are some basic things that are important to have a good time at class, like the infrastructure.


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