Post 6: Postgraduate studies

Postgraduate studies are something that I have thought about several opportunities, because I think that specializing in different areas can be very productive for oneself, but in general they tend to be quite expensive, so I would consider applying through studentchips. I would like to be able to do some in conservation or cultural management, but I think the first option I would consider if I had the possibility of doing a postgraduate study, would be to do someone about art therapy, a specialization in which art, health, education and the social sciences, are mixed to manage actions that help the social inclusion and rehabilitation of children, adults and seniors, through the plastic arts and interdisciplinary work.

This specialization in art therapies is given in Universidad de Chile, and I understand that also in other universities abroad. For convenience, I would prefer to do it here, but if there was some kind of distance study from a foreign university, hopefully Latin American, I would seriously think about that possibility. Ideally, study days should be during the afternoon or evening, so that it doesn't interfere with work days.

I think that pursuing such a specialization would be quite important and enriching, because interdisciplinarity would allow greater and better knowledge, in addition to having a purpose that has to do with a social role of helping people who have suffered violence of different types, such as also to people who need to rehabilitate themselves or to reintegrate themselves into a society that gives few opportunities, and if art can contribute to something that happens, I write down.


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